About Australia
Located south of the equator, Australia, the Island Continent, is actually bounded by the Indian Ocean to the west as well as Pacific Ocean in the east. It actually occupies cool temperate to tropical climates from 10° south to 43° south latitude and from 112° east to 153° east longitude, to the south of the countries of Indonesia as well as Papua New Guinea , and west of new Zealand.
From the Coral Sea and even South Pacific Ocean in the north, ocean currents sweep south along the East Coast from the great barrier reef, into Tasman Sea, past the island of Tasmania and then into the Roaring Forties.
In the southwest, the great Southern Ocean receives the barest hint of the nice and cozy currents swept into the Indian Ocean from the equatorial waters of the Timor and Arafura Seas, which actually separates the northern Australian mainland from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.
Australia is actually a really stable, democratic as well as culturally diverse nation with quite a highly skilled workforce and one of the most strongest performing economies in the entire world.
With a spectacular natural environment, high quality of life and great diversity, Australia is actually a sought after destination for international tourists. It has 10 per cent of the world’s biodiversity and a good number of its native plants and animals exist nowhere else on earth. From tropical rainforests in the north to the red deserts of the centre, from the snowfields of the south-east to the Australian Antarctic Territory, it’s a huge and varied land. Australia has many World Heritage sites including the great barrier reef, Uluru-Kata Tjuta national park and also the Sydney opera house.
Aboriginal people actually arrived in Australia about 50,000 years ago. They could actually have traveled from Asia across land bridges that were exposed when sea levels were quite lower. The hardy Aborigines have learned to live in such extremely harsh conditions of the outback.
Dutch explorers first landed in Australia in 1606, and therefore the British began to settle there in 1788. Many settlers in Australia were actually criminals sent to live there as punishment. For a brief or short time, the newcomers lived peacefully with the Aboriginal people. But soon, fighting broke out over who really owned the land.
In 1851, gold was discovered in Australia. A rush to actually find riches brought hundreds and thousands of new immigrants, and by 1859, there actually existed six separate colonies. In 1901, these colonies further joined to form a British Commonwealth .
Australia is one among the world’s most ethnically diverse nations. Nearly 1 / 4 of the people who live in Australia were born in other countries. They actually come from the U.K as well as other European countries, but also from China, North Africa, Vietnam and also the Middle East .
Australia’s sunny, warm climate as well as abundance of open spaces gives the population a love of the outdoors. The people are also quite passionate or enthusiastic about sports, including swimming, surfing, sailing, tennis, soccer, cricket, rugby, and their own invention, Australian rules football.
Though Australia does not have any official language, English is actually considered the de facto national language. Even so, Australia may be a linguistically and culturally diverse country with influences from over 160 spoken languages.
Australian English has a unique accent and vocabulary. Collectively, Australians have more than 200 spoken languages. In the census of 2011, 76.8% Australian actually spoke English at home. Mandarin is actually the biggest non-English dialect spoken in Australia. Immigration patterns have had a major influence on the most widely spoken language within the country other than English. Early European settlement in Australia actually almost eradicated the indigenous languages, and also few of these aboriginal languages have survived even today.
The climate in Australia actually varies with tropical climate in the northern parts, subtropical in the south as well as temperate in the south east and even south west. Canberra can actually be very cool in winter and the coldest temperature recorded was -14.60 degrees in 1971 while Stanthorpe in Queensland holds the record for the lowest temperature in the state. Rainfall in Australia is usually seasonal with the highest rainfall occurring at Mount Lofty in South Australia and also the lowest in the desert regions. The varied weather in Australia allows for a variety of outdoor sports like sailing, skiing, hiking and even rock climbing.
As a commonwealth of the U.K, Australia’s head of state is the British monarch. Many Australians think the country should end its ties to Britain and therefore become a republic. In a vote in 1999, Australians decided against separating from the united kingdom , but the vote was close, and the debate continues.
Australia is a vital exporter of agricultural goods like wool, wheat, beef, fruit, and wine. The country is additionally rich in minerals and metals and is the world’s fourth largest producer of gold.
Australia is actually the only country in the world that covers a whole continent. It is one of the largest or biggest countries on Earth. Although it’s rich in natural resources and actually has a lot of fertile land, more than one-third of Australia is desert.
Most Australian cities as well as farms are actually located in the southwest and southeast, where the climate is much more comfortable. There are dense rain forests in the northeast. The popular outback (remote rural areas) contains the country’s largest deserts, where there is little water, scorching temperatures and almost no vegetation at all.
Running around the eastern as well as southeastern edge of Australia is the Great Dividing Range. This 2,300-mile (3,700-kilometer) stretch of mountain sends water down into Australia’s most significant rivers and also the Great Artesian Basin, the largest groundwater source in the whole world.
One of the most beautiful and fascinating thing that you can see in the world is in Australia. From Bundaberg to Papua New Guinea , it covers 2000 kilometers south to north. It will certainly be one of the best experience of your life.
The great Barrier reed is one of the biggest coral reef in the world. It’s impossible to understand the beauty of this environment before you actually go there. From all destinations in Australia, this is the one you don’t want to miss! Even if the sea isn’t the place you feel really comfortable, you’ll only have the choice to fall in love with the great barrier reef because of its beauty.